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This blog started as a way for me to share my recipes + culinary adventures, tips for vibrant health + happiness, thoughts on the latest developments in nutritional medicine + the low down on the Sydney wholefoods scene and beyond...

Why you need to be concerned with epigenetics

Becca Crawford


I recently read this this quote in an article written by Louisa Williams called "The Five Obstacles to Cure: How to Address the Most Common Health Challenges to Optimal Health" featured in a Weston A Price Foundation journal. And it got me thinking a lot about the interplay between genetics and epigenetics and why our focus really needs to be on the latter on a day to day basis. 

Growing up I used to think that the state of our health was determined by our hard coded genes. You were either born lucky with good genes if you had good health,  or if you succumbed at any point to illness or disease we blamed it on our inherited genes. That fatalistic approach to life is not only a cop-out, it's also old science. Modern science tells us that the genes we inherent from our parents only account for a very small fraction of our health and our health is largely influenced and determined by a number of different lifestyle or environmental factors. Certainly we are all born with a health "bank account" of varying degrees (some of us - like super models- more ahead of the 8 ball than others). But whether that health bank account increases or decreases over our lifetime is directly proportional to our investment or expenditure of it via various lifestyle factors such as nutrition, hydration, sleep, movement, breath, stress management, time spent in nature and connecting with others (what I call the 8 foundations of health). These epigenetic factors switch our genes on or off, for better or for worse. They determine how tall, robust from illness, intelligent, and beautiful we become. Welcome to the world of epigenetics. Think of your genes as representing your or your child's potential. Your child might be born with the potential to be 6 foot tall, have an IQ of 200, have a wide dental arch with high cheekbones, and strong bone density. Whether or not those things actually eventuate to become a reality depends on consistent exposure to these 8 lifestyle factors. Are they consistently getting enough nutrients in their food, pure water, lots of sleep and movement, feeling loved and connected, breathing fresh air through their noses etc. If so, they will reach their true potential of their genetic make up. If not, they might only make it to 5 foot 5 inches, have a narrow dental arch (necessitating braces), break bones when falling off the monkey bars, succumb from frequent infections and not be as smart and beautiful as they otherwise would be had they had the full spectrum of nutrients, probiotics and other lifestyle factors in the right doses at critical points of their development. As a parent, isn't this such an awesome responsibility?!?! To give another example, your child might be born with the genes for celiac disease, obesity and /or diabetes. Whether or not those genes will actually express themselves (and hence whether your child will actually develop those conditions) depends entirely on environmental factors: were they eating lots of gluten or refined starches which trigger these conditions? If not, then those conditions will never come to fruition! A terrific analogy is one used by functional medicine guru Chris Kresser who says that genes load the gun but epigenetics pull the trigger. A brilliant book that elaborates on epigenetics (and in particular fascial formation) so beautifully is Deep Nutrition: Why our Genes Need Traditional Foods by Dr Catherine Shanahan (a must-read for all parents). 


When we consistently invest in these epigenetic/ lifestyle factors that I call the 8 foundations of health, our health bank account soars like a profitable investment. When we make poor investment decisions on a daily basis, the bank account dwindles. I went into the red in my 20s hitting rock bottom with a spectacular crash. I trashed my body with a conventional diet, tap water, alcohol, irregular sleep, a sleuth of environmental toxins in both personal care products and cleaning products, long slow steady state exercise which stresses the body, a stressful job, an unhappy relationship and total nature divorcement. The disconnect between my biology and my lifestyle was so profound, I quickly used up ever steric of my inherited health bank account and unravelled into a mess landing in hospital and needing to rebuild myself from the ground up. 

The point is, we are in the drivers seat. We have, to a large degree, control over these environmental factors and hence control over our overall health (which we then pass onto our offspring through their hard coded genes). It's always a choice we make. We can maximise nutrient-density, we can minimise dietary and environmental toxins, we can decide to a large degree how much sleep, movement and exposure to sunshine we get, and we can learn techniques to manage our stress. That, to me, is a truly empowering notion. Which is why it is so rewarding in my health coaching sessions to educate, help and support my clients in minimising the mismatch between our biology and environmental  (epigenetics) factors so we can fire on all 6 cylinders to (finally) function properly and perform our best, to reach our true potential. Vibrant health is within your reach. I'm here to help if you're willing to take the first step. 

Why illness might be the best thing that ever happens to you

Becca Crawford


My recent bout of influenza was, on many levels, a life-changing experience for me. As I lay naked on the shower floor, having passed out flat, wallowing in self pity and sobbing to myself “I can’t afford to be sick….I’m a single mum running a business”, my attention quickly turned from WHAT can I do/take to quickly get better (which I detailed in a blog post here), to the far more interesting question of WHY did I get sick in the first place. 

I know that nothing occurs randomly in nature. It is not simply “bad luck” that some people get sick while others, who are exposed to exactly the same illness, do not. A compromised immune system doesn't stem from the fact that you are simply “unlucky”.  I firmly believe that illness, in whatever guise it takes, is a potent sign that the body is, in short, out of balance. Whilst the greatest yearning of the human heart is connection, the greatest yearning of the human body is balance. The ancient yin and yang principle beautifully illustrates that without balance, chaos and disorder results. Our internal and external ecosystems dance in a harmonious tango that predicate balance. When there is balance, there is flow, energy and vitality. 

“Whilst the greatest yearning of the human heart is connection, the greatest yearning of the human body is balance”

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Illness is mother nature's wake up call that you could be looking after your health a little better and have let things get out of balance. It's the canary in the coal mine. It's the timely messenger saying "Ahem, sorry to be the party pooper but you can't keep doing what you're doing. Something has gotta change. And I'll just keep sending you louder and louder messages until you really stop and listen".

To keep our internal ecosystem in homeostasis (balance) we need to attend to a number of lifestyle /environmental factors which are so pivotal I call them the 8 foundations of health:

1. nutrition
2. hydration
3. movement
4. rest/sleep
5. stress management (mindfulness)
6. breath (how and what we breathe)
7. connection with ourselves and others
8. spending time in sunshine and nature generally

These foundations are so fundamental to keeping the body humming in homeostasis with a robust immune system that a consistent neglect of one or more of them results in imbalance leading to illness or dis-ease. I go into song and verse about each of these foundations in my health coaching sessions

For me this bed ridden illness was Mother Nature sitting me down, looking me square in the eye and saying "Ok great, now that I finally have your attention, what can you be doing better to improve your health and well-being on a day to day basis? Care to have a little think about what you were neglecting?" There is nothing like a debilitating illness to force us to look within and really ask what is going on. And sheepishly I glanced down and found on the floor 3 balls laying forgotten in the corner gathering dust with the words "stress management", "movement" and "sunshine" on them. 

I gathered them up, blew off the dust and had no choice but to reflect on the strategies I will have to put in place to create space in my week to give them the love and attention they deserve. I can no longer view these 3 foundations as luxuries (“who has the time to exercise, I mean really?!?”, “Lying on the beach in the middle of the day when I have a business to run, are you kidding me?!”, “Spending 20 minutes in meditation- what a life?!”) but as absolute necessities to counterbalance my raging yang with calming yin.  

We need to bask in the sunshine and to move our bodies as they designed to move and to meditate or just chill out doing nothing each day to calm our nervous system from the constant bombardment of stimulants of modern life. We NEED to do so, so that when life does throw us a curve ball in the name of an illness, we have the resilience to dodge it.  A nutrient-dense wholefoods diet can't make up for the consistent neglect of the other foundations of health – they are ALL equally fundamental. It's often a bitter pill to swallow for über-driven A-type personalities like myself who are hell-bent on being on the go to furiously tick off to-do lists, and won't rest, exercise or have fun in the sun until it's "all done". The reality is that it's rarely going to get "all done" anyway especially if you're working on grandiose projects that are very much a work in progress. If you don't create balance, Mother Nature will sooner or later take care of that for you with "forced rest". Wiser to chip away on a daily basis with rituals of foundational self-care than have to experience the misery and inconvenience of forced rest. 


“Illness forces us to look within and really ask what is going on...”

As I look back on my life, every bitterly painful situation I have experienced, turned out in hindsight to be a blessing in disguise. It was an opportunity to learn and grow and steer us into a different, more fulfilling, direction. Every illness, breakup, redundancy, and accident were divine interventions redirecting me to a brighter path.  I have written before that sometimes it takes something cataclysmic for us to change paths.  We often need to have the breakdowns in order to have the breakthroughs. Nothing is more true of debilitating illness. The mere realisation that some aspect of your health and well-being has been neglected means you're half way there. But actually doing something about it on a consistent long term basis is what will get you to vibrant health. 

As Hippocrates once said "Healing is a matter of time. But it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity"

Special Bone Broth Workshop in Country NSW

Becca Crawford

I am excited to be running one final bone broth workshop this year in country NSW for all my country peeps in the gorgeous town of High Range (15mins from Mittagong). This will be your last opportunity to attend one of my Broth workshops in person this year... and in a picturesque country setting to boot! 


One of my missions in life is to bring this age-old elixir of health back to the modern table. With a vengeance. And a playful twist. 

Home-made stock (aka bone broth) was a staple in all traditional cultures. People of yesterdays ate nose to tail – meaning that the whole of the animal (including the bones, fat and organ meat) was consumed. In fact these ‘odd bits’ were the mostly highly prized part of a kill for our hunter-gatherer ancestors, as they worked out through trial and error over millennia that they were the most nutrient-dense. Today, most people in Western society simply don’t consume home-made broth on a regular basis, either because of lack of information or know-how on where to source or how to prepare broth properly and deliciously. Here’s your opportunity to build strong immunity, robust digestive function and vibrant health by learning how.

I’ll teach you the ins and outs and everything you need to know about how to make a gelatinous, delicious broth and how to incorporate it in your and your family’s daily diet. 

I have a e-folder full of testimonials about how my bone broth and my broth making workshops changed people lives, like this one:

Hi Soulla, I’ve made a dedicated effort to drink broth every day for the last couple of months and the pain in my arthritic hands has almost gone….It’s a miracle!!
— Sandy Tate


  • A basic bone broth (both assembling and straining)
  • Various broth based soups
  • A dessert
  • A broth-infused smoothie


  • Detailed 1 hour theory discussion on the nutritional benefits of bone broth, FAQs in making bone broth, where to source bones, how to incorporate it into your day to day life and any precautions in consuming bone broth
  • Detailed workshop booklet including theory, step by step guides & recipes
  • Practical demonstrations
  • Hands-on experience
  • Food tasting that incorporates various types of stock
  • Opportunity to ask questions


  • Those who are interested in making or perfecting their own home-made broth
  • Those who suffer, or have family members who suffer, from low immunity (eg frequent colds, infections) or gut/digestive issues (eg leaky gut, auto-immunity including skin conditions)
  • Anyone who suffers from any osteo-skeletal issues or inflammation
  • Athletes, pregnant or nursing mothers, mothers of young children
  • Those aspiring more vibrant health, glowing hair and skin, resilient immune system and better quality sleep
  • People who routinely make and consume broth but wish to hear more about the nutritional benefits of broth or wish to gain some culinary tips
  • Those who want to try new things and broaden their culinary repertoire


Sunday 5 November, 1-4pm at the beautiful home of nutritionist Therese Cullen, 50 Harrison Lane, High Range, NSW. 

For those travelling afar, take the opportunity to spend a "day in the country" as it's only 1.5 hrs from Sydney and hit google for accomodation in Mittagong, Berrima or Bowral (15 mins from the venue). 


Cancellation Policy: Please note that once payment has been made, it is non-refundable and your place can not be moved to a different date. If you can not make it due to last minute unforseen circumstances, feel free to gift your place to a friend and let me know. Thank you for your understanding.